伯谅 LCw

吐槽 Windows NT6 安装界面,吐到死 Tucaoing Windows NT6 setup interface until die

最近适逢微软创始人比尔盖茨的 60 岁生日,今年又是 Windows 的 30 年,还有,这个月是 Windows 会员计划的一周年。

Recently it’s the birthday of Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft. This year is the 30th year of Windows, and this month is the 1st anniversary since Windows Insider Program is released.

不过说真的,Windows 10 目前为止还是一个未完成品。

But frankly speaking, for now Windows 10 is still a non-complete product yet.

Windows 会员计划是在去年 9 月 30 日,连同 Windows 10 的名字一同宣布的。

Windows Insider Program, along with the name of Windows 10, was announced on 30 Sept last year.

第二天,Windows 技术预览版的第一个制版号 9841 发布了。

On the second day, the first build of Windows Technical Preview, build 9841 was published.


I’m amazed when this version was published. Start Menu at that time, for me, is really perfect.


And obviously, since Macrohard wants to bring back the Start Menu, the era of the Start screen will end very fast…………


And they did it, really.

OK 啦,所以我也不需要再继续靠北那些大大小小的了,现在来说一点概念,xd。

Hence, I don’t need to continue complaining about this and that, now let’s talk about some concepts. xd

没错,就是 Windows 安装界面——你不觉得从 Windows Vista 开始,那个安装界面都是一样的,看了不会显吗?

Right, that’s Windows Setup interface - Don’t you think that since Windows Vista, the same Setup interface… Won’t you be bored watching at it?

很显然的,巨硬似乎是想把用户当做北七来对待………… 那界面对大神们来说,真是太简单了,简直看不下去啊==。

Obviously, Macrohard wants to treat users as dumbheads… To big gods, that interface is really too simple for them. ==

想起以前安装 Windows 98 的时候,可以根据用户的勤劳程度 (?) 来选择想要的组件,不像现在,全部都是清一色……

Thinking about when installing Windows 98, users can pick their preferred components according to their liking, and now, installations are all the same……


So now, my concept is like this:

第一页,有两个选择,第一项是新手级别,选择这个选项,就和平常的 NT6 安装步骤一样;


On the first page, there are two options. The first option is for beginners, enabling them to install just like the typical NT6 installation steps.

The second option is for pros, hence the users can select more details, especially system components.


(Darn it, I forgot many details, so I publish this post first, and fill them later. xd)
