伯谅 LCw

欢迎来到我的 GitHub 站点!Welcome to my GitHub site!

各位好,祝您 2016 年新年快乐!Hello everyone, wish you a happy new year in 2016!

与此同时,我也荣幸地宣布——我的 GitHub 站点在经过漫长的更新之后,以新面貌发布了!

In addition, it’s also my pleasure to announce that - after a long period of updating process, my GitHub site is released in a new interface!

是的,不过虽然 GitHub 站点发布了,可是我的 Blogspot 博客也将保留。换句话说,两个网站都会如常运作。

Yes, but although my GitHub site is released, but my Blogspot blog will also be maintained. In other words, the two websites will be operated as normal.

这里会是我发布技术文章的地方,而 Blogspot 博客则是拿来放平常的大小事用的,所以两个网站的内容都不一样。

Here will be the place for my technical posts, however my Blogspot blog will be used for general purposes. Hence, the contents of both websites will be different.

该站点使用了 Jekyll 作为站点管理,而所使用的主题是 Redcup 的修改版,原作者是 nadjetey。

For this site, I deployed Jekyll for site management. The theme used by this site is a modified version of Redcup, originally by nadjetey.


Actually deploying this site is very difficult, but making posts is somehow easier. I’m up for two nights, just for this…………


The old site can be accessed here.

既然我在 GitHub 上也有一些计划项目,这些计划项目的文档将会发布到该站点上。

Since I have some projects on GitHub too, documentations for those projects will be published on this site.

好了,我的长篇大论 (?) 就到这里,祝您愉快。

Okay, so I end my long words (?) here, have a nice day.


- Lim Chunwei, Head, LCw Productions
