伯谅 LCw

2020 年回顾 Reviewing 2020

2020 年不是一个好年。金玉其外,败絮其中。(这个名句是这样用的吗?)

2020 is not a good year. A rotten interior beneath a fine exterior. (Is this idiom used this way?)

很多人呢,都把一些目标放在 2020 年,有的可能实现了,剩余的就没有,看回去其实就只是天马行空。

So many people have put some objectives for 2020. A few of them have been reached, others not - look back at them, they’re just random fantasy.

当中最为有名的一个空想,就是我们这个年代 (尤其是 90 后和 95 后?) 中小学时国语作文经常都会写的 Wawasan 2020,嗯,马哈迪的。

It’s worth mentioning that one of the most notorious empty visions - which people the same age as us would write in Malay compositions during primary and secondary school days - it’s Wawasan 2020. Yup, Mahathir’s.

而由马哈迪一人独大的绝联症腐也在 2 月底突然 (?) 倒台了,鱿鱼丁在政变中渔翁得利,成立后门症腐,可是也随之带来灾难性的后果。

And suddenly (?), the Pakatan Hampa government lead (also the most policies decided) by Mahathir just collapsed. Mahiaddin then won the coup, formed the backdoor government - this lead to disastrous consequences as well.

今年最为震撼的莫过于武汉新冠肺炎 (以下简称为“冠病”) 肆虐,全球近乎无一幸免地深受其害。

Obviously, the biggest shock of the year is the Wuhan novel coronavirus pneumonia (COVID-19) outbreak, which has affected almost everyone in the world.


Because of the coup, Malaysia missed the important timing to stop the pandemic. Movement Control Order (MCO) had occurred later - that is still happening now. At first, people had to stay at home. Although this measure had been proven effective, the economy had collapsed at the same time.


Also, the pandemic worsened almost every time there are signs of slowing down. Malaysia’s cumulative confirmed cases have now reached six figures, plus variants of new mutant strains have emerged in many regions of the world…………


Never thought that it would take us so long to deal with the novel coronavirus.


(The draft I’ve previously written has accidentally lost. My inspirations as well. Probably I should stop here. Let all things - whether good or bad - stay in the best and also the worst year.)

2021 年 1 月 1 日起,我的新帖都将发布到这个网站,原本的博客已于 2020 年 12 月 6 日停用。

Starting 1 January 2021, new posts of mine will be published here instead of the original blog, which has been discontinued as of 6 December 2020.


As stated there, most posts of the blog will be transferred here too.

此外,我也重新设计了整个网站,虽然长得还是跟 Redcup 差不多,可是代码是从头重写的,并且重新为移动设备优化,外加完全不支持 IE (KNS,连要写不支持 IE 的代码都难),各位如果在浏览上有任何问题可以联系伯谅制作组的面簿专页

Besides, I’ve also redesigned the whole website. It still looks much like the Redcup theme, but the code has been rewritten from scratch, and also reoptimized for mobile devices. Plus, IE is not supported anymore (it’s a hard time writing code incompatible with IE, shxx). If anyone encounters any issue(s) with browsing, you may contact LCw Productions’ Facebook page.


So that’s all, everyone, see you next year.
