伯谅 LCw

叫你装 Adblock!Install an ad blocker now!

全体目光向我看齐!从今天起,大家浏览这个网站时,如果浏览器没有安装到广告拦截器 (adblock),也没有类似功能,就会收到一个提示,让你去安装一个。这里建议安装免费、纯净的 uBlock Origin,从此跟广告说拜拜吧!

Hey, all eyes on me! Starting today, when you visit this website, if your browser doesn’t have an ad blocker installed as well as doesn’t have the adblock feature, you will receive a message prompt to install one. It is recommended installing uBlock Origin which is free and clean, and say sayonara to ads from now on!

主因是这样,我近期在 Mastodon 上看到有位高人搞了这么个东西,那我也想搞一个。所以感谢她,更要感谢这个 repo

The main reason for this: Recently while browsing Mastodon, I saw a person implemented something like this, so I wanted to implement one as well. So thanks to her, and even more thanks to this repo.

废话少说;使用 adblock,不是 IT 人的专利。Adblock,真的应该人手一个。望此举可以鼓励到每个人都去装一个来用!至于手机党,因为你们每次都会被烦到,就对不起啦。Lel.

Long story short; Using an ad blocker is not only for IT people. Everyone should have an ad blocker. Hopefully this will encourage everyone to install one! For phone users, as you people will be annoyed every time - I’m sorry. Lel.
